ZBC and ZTC in Falam
The Chin Christian Centenary of the first Converts among the Chins (CCCC) namely Thuam Hang and wife, Pau Suan and wife of Khuasak village, Tedim, Chin State who were converted in 1904 by the preaching of American Baptist Missionaries and baptized on May 11, 1905 by Dr. East is to be celebrated in a grand scale at Khuasak village by the Zomi Baptist Convention during March 20-21, 2004.
The Chin Christian Centenary of the first Converts among the Chins (CCCC) namely Thuam Hang and wife, Pau Suan and wife of Khuasak village, Tedim, Chin State who were converted in 1904 by the preaching of American Baptist Missionaries and baptized on May 11, 1905 by Dr. East is to be celebrated in a grand scale at Khuasak village by the Zomi Baptist Convention during March 20-21, 2004.
The Centenary Magazine Committee asked me to
contribute an article for the magazine. I was born on October 17, 1927 and
baptized on September 11,1938. I began my Christian activity after the Second
World War by attending the first Baptist General Meeting of the Tedim Subdivision
at Keizang village in 1945.
Attending the Tedim Bible School opened by the Nelsons
during 1947-1950 I was paid a generous full-time pay by the Nelsons from March
1949 at the beginning of my third year to do office work for them in addition
to my studies. Since that time I became a full-time worker up to now and my
participation in Baptist work is over half a century. Therefore I decided to
write on the History of the Chin Baptists as I might be the lone person living
to participate over half a century in the Chin Baptist work. To write a full
story will require a big book, but what I am writing will be mostly in what I
have had participated in the progress and problems of the Chin Baptists.
The Chin Baptist History could be divided into four
periods on account of important incidents in the History
I. 1899-1948 – CHIN HILLS
From the arrival of the Carsons in March 1899 to March 1948 the Chin Baptists were solely under the guidance of the Missionaries stationed at Hakha and Tedim The Missionaries called us Baptists in Tedim, Falam, and Hakha Subdivisions by the name of Chin Hills Baptist Association
From the arrival of the Carsons in March 1899 to March 1948 the Chin Baptists were solely under the guidance of the Missionaries stationed at Hakha and Tedim The Missionaries called us Baptists in Tedim, Falam, and Hakha Subdivisions by the name of Chin Hills Baptist Association
The manner of administration is like that of a local
church in modern time, all collections were sent to one place and disbursed from
that one place.
II. 1948-1952 THREE
There arose disagreement in the use of the Chin Hills Baptist Association Fund. Hakha people wanted to use the fund for a High School at Farawn The Falam and Tedim people objected the plan while there was a great need of money for preachers in their area The problem became more acute and in March 1948 at the meeting at Satawm village, they decided each area to run their own business and Tedim, Falam, and Hakha formed their own organization. March 1948 was the beginning of Tedim Baptist Association, Falam Baptist Association, and Hakha Baptist Association.
There arose disagreement in the use of the Chin Hills Baptist Association Fund. Hakha people wanted to use the fund for a High School at Farawn The Falam and Tedim people objected the plan while there was a great need of money for preachers in their area The problem became more acute and in March 1948 at the meeting at Satawm village, they decided each area to run their own business and Tedim, Falam, and Hakha formed their own organization. March 1948 was the beginning of Tedim Baptist Association, Falam Baptist Association, and Hakha Baptist Association.
The three Associations had a fund called General Fund
for evangelistic work in the Southern Chin Hills.

This period might be the most important period in the Chin Baptist History where the national people carried on the work though the Missionaries were still in the Chin Hills. It was the time when the ZBC was the second or third biggest Convention within the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC). The ZBC was in her zenith stage where there was a lot of progress and problems in the Convention. That turning point of reorganization was happened by the wise guidance of the American Baptist Missionaries.
This period might be the most important period in the Chin Baptist History where the national people carried on the work though the Missionaries were still in the Chin Hills. It was the time when the ZBC was the second or third biggest Convention within the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC). The ZBC was in her zenith stage where there was a lot of progress and problems in the Convention. That turning point of reorganization was happened by the wise guidance of the American Baptist Missionaries.
A. Mission Secretary Revd.
E. E. Soward’s Survey Trip to the Chin Hills.
He paid a survey trip to Chin Hills in February-March 1952 which was a turning point of the Chin Baptist organization. In those days the Johnsons of Hakha and the Nelsons of Tedim were still in USA for their furlough Revd. ST. Hau Go was the in charge for the Chin Baptist work during their absence.
He paid a survey trip to Chin Hills in February-March 1952 which was a turning point of the Chin Baptist organization. In those days the Johnsons of Hakha and the Nelsons of Tedim were still in USA for their furlough Revd. ST. Hau Go was the in charge for the Chin Baptist work during their absence.
Revd. E.E Sowards came to the Tedim Baptist annual
meetings at Laitui village during February 14-17,1952. From there he went to
Falam and Hakha area with Revd. S.T. Hau Go. After the survey trip to the Chin
Hills he proposed three things for the Chin Baptists.
(1) The Chin Baptist to have one organization:
According to his proposal the Chin Baptist were organized and the organization
was named Zomi Baptist Convention (ZBC) which began in 1953, composed of Tedim
Baptist Association, Falam Baptist Association, and Hakha Baptist Association,
and Revd. S.T Hau Go was the first ZBC Secretary. Though the ZBC began with three
Associations in 1953, within forty years there were more than twenty
Associations in the ZBC.
(2) To have one Bible School combined with
Agricultural School: He gave a definite plan for its beginning. Tedim, Falam,
and Hakha were to select one person each to take a special course of one year
at Baptist Divinity School, Insein and begin the school before the arrival of
Missionary teachers to teach. Tedim selected Saya Kam Khaw Thang, Falam
selected Sya Lun Cung Nung, and Hakha selected Revd. Lai Hnin and these three
persons studied at Insein from June 1952 to March 1953 for one year school
term. The proposed Bible School began at Tedim in 1953 under the supervision of
Revd S.T. Hau Go with Saya Lun Cung Nung and others. Revd. Lai Hnin did not go
to Tedim to teach. Saya Kam Khaw Thang continued to study at Insein. When Revd.
S.T. Hau Go served as ZBC Secretary the Bible School was moved to Hakha under
the supervision of the Johnsons and later it was moved to Falam for its
permanent place. Though the agricultural school could not be materialized due
to impossibility for the expert to come to the Chin Hills, the Bible School
could be continued up to now at Falam.
(3) To have one Mission Hospital: There was a medical
doctor who wanted to come and work in the Chin Hills. The allotment for
equipment of $ 30,000 had to be diverted to other place as well.
B. Different Problems in
the ZBC:
(1) My personal problem with the ZBC: The first general (triennial) meetings of the ZBC was held at Khuasak, the village where we had the first converts among the Chins. It is a fitting place to have the first ZBC General Meetings. It was held during April 16-18,1954. When we were sent to Insein it was said to be a special course. But we were made to join the regular course. After one year study both of my fellows returned as planned, but I continued my study there. The ZBC first General Meeting voted that I had to stop my study at Insein and work at the Bible School at K. 150.00 per month salary where-as Sya Lun Cung Nung was paid K. 120.00 per month and no longer wanted to work at the school. I refused to comply with ZBC vote. After ZBC meetings at Khuasak many missionaries came to Tedim, and called me to the Mission Office at Tedim saying how dare you refuse to comply with the decision of the ZBC. They have a great concern over my refusal. I told the Missionaries that the ZBC vote was an unnecessary vote If Saya Lun Cung Nung was given K. 150.00 per month he would work. It was not necessary for me to stop my study. Not to give K. 150.00 per month to Saya Lun Cung Nung and to give me K 150.00 was not reasonable. I could not comply with ZBC vote when it was not necessary and without reasonable ground.
(1) My personal problem with the ZBC: The first general (triennial) meetings of the ZBC was held at Khuasak, the village where we had the first converts among the Chins. It is a fitting place to have the first ZBC General Meetings. It was held during April 16-18,1954. When we were sent to Insein it was said to be a special course. But we were made to join the regular course. After one year study both of my fellows returned as planned, but I continued my study there. The ZBC first General Meeting voted that I had to stop my study at Insein and work at the Bible School at K. 150.00 per month salary where-as Sya Lun Cung Nung was paid K. 120.00 per month and no longer wanted to work at the school. I refused to comply with ZBC vote. After ZBC meetings at Khuasak many missionaries came to Tedim, and called me to the Mission Office at Tedim saying how dare you refuse to comply with the decision of the ZBC. They have a great concern over my refusal. I told the Missionaries that the ZBC vote was an unnecessary vote If Saya Lun Cung Nung was given K. 150.00 per month he would work. It was not necessary for me to stop my study. Not to give K. 150.00 per month to Saya Lun Cung Nung and to give me K 150.00 was not reasonable. I could not comply with ZBC vote when it was not necessary and without reasonable ground.
(2) The Problem of the word Zomi and Chin: When the
three Associations were formed into one organization by the leadership of Revd.
S.T. Hau Go in 1953 it was called Zomi Baptist Convention. During that time I
was in Insein and I have no part in the organization. After I finished my study
at Insein in March 1956, from June 1956, I was asked to be a teacher at the
Bible School at Hakha under the supervision of the Johnsons. That year was the
year for the first graduation of the Bible School, started in 1953 at Tedim,
The Johnsons prepared the School certificate and the name of the school as Chin
Hills Bible School. My remark was that the name of the school and the name of
the owner of the school was not in harmony. After a hot arguments with the
Johnsons we agreed to have the graduation giving certificate bearing Chin Hills
Bible School. And at the next ZBC-EC meetings the name for the school should be
discussed and the decision of the ZBC-EC should be the final. So we have the
graduation service on Sunday, December 1 2-13, 1956, and discussed for the name
of the School and it was voted to be Zomi Baptist Bible School. The name of the
School was later changed to Zomi Baptist Theological School when Revd. David
Van Bik was the principal. Then it was changed to Zomi Baptist Theological
Seminary when Revd. Simon Pau Khan En was the principal. Then it was changed
again to Zomi Theological College when Dr Chum Awi was the principal of the
school From that time I learned that the Hakha and Falam people do not like the
name Zomi and prefer Chin.
There was consultation on ZBC Constitution at Falam
during April 23-24, 1982 in connection with the name Zomi. My statement on this
was: At the beginning if it is called Chin Baptist Convention it is very good.
Chin is the word English people used for us. Baptist is English and Convention
also is English word. But we have been running with the name Zomi Baptist
Convention for 29 years. The ZBC building and the Bible School buildings in the
ZBC compound are acquired by the name of Zomi Baptist Convention. If it is
changed to other name those who want Zomi Baptist Convention may cause problems
within the Zomi Baptist Convention in connection with property

ZTC Building
The TBA voted at its annual meetings at Heilei during
February 18-24, 1982 saying until CCOC is changed to ZCOC we will not give
money for CCOC work. When I got the TBA minutes in Yangon I was distressed with
the minutes thinking that kind of vote was not proper way of doing things.
I was present at the TBA annual meeting at Dampi
during February 15-19, 1984. I told the TBA delegates saying TBA members are in
the consultation for this and the TBA members are in the ZBC-EC when the
consultation finding is adopted. You are to object. We could be regarded as
making trouble. Then the delegates voted to take part in the CCOC work, but
missed one year in CCOC work.
The ZBC-EC meetings at Kalaymyo during May 25-30, 1982
discussed again about the problem of Zomi and Chin. Without any vote taken, it
was verbally told that it should not be discussed any longer.
The ZBC-EC meetings at Phaizawl Tazakung during
November 26-28, 1982 discussed again and there was hot argument on this matter.
In the ZBC triennial meetings at Thantlang during
April 14-15, 1983 it was in the agenda again. The Chairman asked different
Associations to express their opinion on this matter Representatives from many
Associations expressed their opinion by saying though the word Chin is the
best, we have been using Zomi for over thirty years This should not be
discussed any longer That was the end of Zomi and Chin word problem.
(3) Tedim Baptist Association (TBA) delegates walked
out from ZBC triennial meetings at Khuasak during April 6-8, 1962 due to
different policy of TBA and ZBC, Khuasak is the place where we have the first
convert among the Chins. It is also a very fitting place where important
incident to occur. The problem began in connection with the ordination of Saya
Kham Za Mang, a graduate of Tedim Bible School in 1950. Saya Kham Za Mang was
assigned to Gamngai area. When there was request for his ordination to the TBA
some of his area people objected violently. So the TBA could not ordain him.
But the ZBC hurriedly voted for his ordination. Then his area people objected
violently. When the ZBC by passed TBA decision in ordaining Saya Kham Za Mang
and re-discussion was not given the TBA became impatient with the ZBC and
walked out. That was the time while I was at Tedim.
I informed the Myanmar Baptist Convention (MBC),
Myanmar Council of Churches (MCC), and the Mission Conference in Yangon to deal
with this problem. Leaders of MBC, MCC and Mission Conference came to Tedim
within five months during September 7-11,1962 to deal with that problem. After
several days’ presentation by both sides Revd. R.G. Johnson admitted he was not
well-informed of the situation and swayed by one-sided story.
Finally, the TBA is the winner in that case and the
TBA dropped the plan to stay apart from ZBC and stayed in the ZBC jubilantly
and arrogantly.
(4) Problem in connection with the use of ZBC Fund:
From around 1970 there was revival or religious awakening in our area People
are very interested in evangelism work. There was complaint in connection with
the use of ZBC Fund saying all the ZBC monies are spent for office work and
nothing is used for evangelism work. We have ZBC-EC meeting at Rezua during
April 11-12, 1975. At that meeting I put up my plan to solve the problem of the
use of ZBC Fund saying that ZBC office work was very important and evangelism work
was also very important. We should not neglect one in favoring the other. We
have to re-arrange our financial system. We should have two kinds of Fund.
Contributions by the Associations to the ZBC should be used for ZBC office work
and ZBC Bible School and it should be called ZBC Administration Fund Then we
should set aside ZBC Sunday collections for evangelism work and raise fund for
the work in addition to ZBC Sunday collections. Anyone who was interested in
evangelism work should contribute generously and aII the money received whether
much or little, all should be used for evangelism work and it should be called
ZBC Evangelism Fund.
My proposal was readily accepted by the ZBC-EC and we
have two funds called ZBC Administration Fund and ZBC Evangelism and Mission
(ZBC E&M) Fund. People generously contributed to ZBC E&M Fund and the
popular CCOC work was funded by the ZBC E&M Fund.
In 1990 the ZBC Sunday collections was diverted to
building fund for Carson Memorial Hall at Hakha. There was ZBC E&M Consultation,
ZBC Constitution Revision, and ZBC-EC meetings at Tedim during September 20-30,
1991. I was invited to attend these meetings. I explained about the ZBC Sunday
collections and I think it is redirected to ZBC E&M Fund again.
(5) Kalay Valley Baptist Association (KVBA) Executive
Committee (EC) members walked out from ZBC- EC meetings at Matupi during March
19-23, 1987. When I heard about the incident I wrote in September 1987 to all
ZBC Officers, and gave copies to all Association Secretaries suggesting that
the ZBC leaders should think about forming many Conventions within the ZBC by
language group or regional basis. If we were to be in one Convention the ZBC
structure should be reviewed to meet the satisfaction of all the Associations.
But the ZBC leaders came to KVBA and tender their
apology which the KVBA accepted and the problem was solved amicably.
(6) KVBA – EC members walked out again from ZBC-EC
meetings at Mualbem village during March 28-31, 1991. The KVBA delegates
discussed the problem and decided to be in the ZBC forever.
IV. April 1995
When their candidate failed to be elected as ZBC Secretary in the election, four Associations namely Tonzang Township Baptist Association (TTBA), Tedim Baptist Association (TBA), Kale Zomi Baptist Association (KZBA), and Tamu Valley Baptist Association (TVBA) walked out shamefully from ZBC triennial meetings at Khuasak during April 5-9-,1995 and formed an organization called Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar (ZBCM). Khuasak being the place where we have the first Chin converts in 1904 is a fitting place for the occurrence of importance incident. This is a big turning point in the Chin Baptist History. We do not know yet what will be the future of Chin Baptist History from 1995 and onward.
When their candidate failed to be elected as ZBC Secretary in the election, four Associations namely Tonzang Township Baptist Association (TTBA), Tedim Baptist Association (TBA), Kale Zomi Baptist Association (KZBA), and Tamu Valley Baptist Association (TVBA) walked out shamefully from ZBC triennial meetings at Khuasak during April 5-9-,1995 and formed an organization called Zomi Baptist Convention of Myanmar (ZBCM). Khuasak being the place where we have the first Chin converts in 1904 is a fitting place for the occurrence of importance incident. This is a big turning point in the Chin Baptist History. We do not know yet what will be the future of Chin Baptist History from 1995 and onward.
The defection of four Associations out, of over twenty
Associations in the ZBC is a serious matter in the Chin Baptist History. We
have to find out the reasons for the1 defection of the four Associations for
such drastic action.
A. Reasons for defection:
1. Inferiority of the Tedim speaking leaders: In the ZBC there are three major languages namely Tedim, Falam and Hakha. Problem never begin because of the lay or common people but the leaders. The four Associations are Tedim speaking group. The other leaders of other speaking group are more educated and aggressive. So the Tedim speaking leaders have inferiority complex and do not feel at home in the presence of other leaders and do not want to be in the ZBC.
1. Inferiority of the Tedim speaking leaders: In the ZBC there are three major languages namely Tedim, Falam and Hakha. Problem never begin because of the lay or common people but the leaders. The four Associations are Tedim speaking group. The other leaders of other speaking group are more educated and aggressive. So the Tedim speaking leaders have inferiority complex and do not feel at home in the presence of other leaders and do not want to be in the ZBC.
2. Dissatisfaction in the use of ZBC E&M Fund:
When the E&M Fund is diverted to building fund and others they objected
such diversion, but their objection is not heeded. The Zomi Christian
Literature Society (ZCLS) meeting was held at Lawibual, Tedim during April
22-24, 1994.
Some leaders of the TBA are so dissatisfied with the ZBC in the use of ZBC E&M Fund and plan to boycott the ZBC. I told them that, if you are dissatisfied in the use of E&M money, it will be good to tell the ZBC to use the fund for CCOC work only and to say that we are not to give money for CCOC work unless the ZBC try to amend the use of fund. But my suggestion was not accepted by saying the ZBC people will come anyway and people will be giving money for CCOC.
Some leaders of the TBA are so dissatisfied with the ZBC in the use of ZBC E&M Fund and plan to boycott the ZBC. I told them that, if you are dissatisfied in the use of E&M money, it will be good to tell the ZBC to use the fund for CCOC work only and to say that we are not to give money for CCOC work unless the ZBC try to amend the use of fund. But my suggestion was not accepted by saying the ZBC people will come anyway and people will be giving money for CCOC.
3. The desire to use ZBC officer post to exercise
power over the group to comply to ones’ desire: The ZBCM position is to ask
other groups not to compete the Tedim speaking candidate in the ZBC Secretary
election. If there is rival candidate, who will take part in the election and
if we win in the election we are to lead the ZBC. If we lose in the election we
Tedim speaking group will form a separate organization to be in equal status
with the ZBC. I think the use of officer post as power tool is the cause of
trouble and problem. If the leaders of Tedim speaking group do not think to use
officer post as power tool what happened at Khuasak in 1995 will not happen.
The same thing is true in April 1962 at Khuasak. The
President chaired aII the meetings and never give chance to Vice- President to
chair the meeting. The President used his post as a power tool to win the group
to his desire.
But my opinion is quite different from other leaders.
When I held ZBC President Post four consecutive terms 1968-1983 (12 years) I
chaired one session and asked the Vice-President to chair another session
alternately. My understanding of chairmanship is not to try to lead the group
to my desire, but to let the members express their opinions and let the meeting
decide the case.
B. Handling of the Problem
by the ZBC:
The ZBC formed a committee to deal with the problem when the four Associations left ZBC and formed an organization called ZBCM in April 1995 at Khuasak. When the first committee failed another committee was formed. I told the committee members saying the problem within the ZBC could not be solved by the ZBC. It should be referred to outside people like Myanmar Baptist Convention. But the ZBC prolonged the problem by holding it for four solid years until March 1999.
The ZBC formed a committee to deal with the problem when the four Associations left ZBC and formed an organization called ZBCM in April 1995 at Khuasak. When the first committee failed another committee was formed. I told the committee members saying the problem within the ZBC could not be solved by the ZBC. It should be referred to outside people like Myanmar Baptist Convention. But the ZBC prolonged the problem by holding it for four solid years until March 1999.
C. The present situation:
The four years duration before handing the problem over to MBC was an ample time for leaders to brainwash the public not to go back to ZBC. Out of the four-Associations three of them went on and decided to join Southern Baptist Convention and Tedim Baptist Association alone withdraws from ZBCM and decided to remain in the MBC. The TBA is in the process of joining the MBC.
The four years duration before handing the problem over to MBC was an ample time for leaders to brainwash the public not to go back to ZBC. Out of the four-Associations three of them went on and decided to join Southern Baptist Convention and Tedim Baptist Association alone withdraws from ZBCM and decided to remain in the MBC. The TBA is in the process of joining the MBC.
D. All are in down trend:
If the 1995 problem was handled by the MBC, MCC and the Missionaries as in 1962, the verdict would be:” The action of TBA and other three Associations was not a wise action ” That will be a shameful thing for the four Associations. In 1962 the TBA was wise but it became unwise in 1995 All are now in the same boat of down trend.
If the 1995 problem was handled by the MBC, MCC and the Missionaries as in 1962, the verdict would be:” The action of TBA and other three Associations was not a wise action ” That will be a shameful thing for the four Associations. In 1962 the TBA was wise but it became unwise in 1995 All are now in the same boat of down trend.
1. The problems we are having in the ZBC is a sign of living and ardent activities If we stay idle in our organization there would be no problem. We are very active and doing great things. That is why we face many problems.
1. The problems we are having in the ZBC is a sign of living and ardent activities If we stay idle in our organization there would be no problem. We are very active and doing great things. That is why we face many problems.
2. The CCOC program is a tremendous activity of
Evangelism work. It was 15 years program. The Kachin program of 3 years by 300
people for evangelism work is overwhelmed by our CCOC program and now we still
continue after 1999 in the name of Centenary Mission for Christ (CMC).
3. Dr. Chit Maung used to say” Invasion from the
Chin.” I interpreted to mean there are many Chin students in the Seminary and
they are very active and influential even in the lower Myanmar.
4. Revd. Victor San Lone once said to me in 1980,” You
Chins will be leaders in the Baptists in the future.” I interpreted to mean we
Chins are very active and there are many leaders in the Baptist Circle in
Myanmar. It seems that our abilities are recognized by outstanding leaders in
Myanmar Baptist. We are proud of it for such recognition.
5. While we are recognized for our outstanding
position in the Baptist Circle in Myanmar we have to remember some facts in our
organization work so that we may hot bring disgrace to God’s name in our work.
- We have to be careful in the
use of the common fund.
- We have to avoid partiality
in our doing.
- We have to keep the policy
and practice of our Baptist stand.
- We have to have
consideration for the weaker people.
- We should not prolong for
the existence of problem, but to do our best to solve the problem right
away in a proper way.
- Problems in an organization
is due to the leadership of the leader. Leaders should think carefully and
prayerfully in leading the lay people so as to avoid the verdict” Your
action is not a wise action.”
- We are to do things that
will meet the approval of God (Matt 16: 19b)” What you prohibit on earth
will be prohibited in heaven, and what you permit on earth will be
permitted in heaven”
Note: This article was
published in the Chin Christian Centenary Magazine (2004)
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